Exercise 6: Digital Searches for Primary Sources

This picture is a good example of kids and technology use. These days, we use phones, tablets, to laptops. All living the sedentary lifestyle on the couch, it’s evident that these kids indulge in technological use. This picture also captures the wide array of different technology that children use along with the differing ages of the kids. This shows that technology appeals to wide spectrum of ages.



This picture is the perfect example of negative implications of technology. The girl uses physical books as a stool to reach for the tablet, instead of reaching the nearby books on the right. Rather than following the past traditional of reading books for a past time, the girls reaches for a tablet, possibly to play a game or watch media. I think that her stepping on the books is a symbolic to how books are beneath us literally and symbolically. We have progressed in time and have discarded the use of books – replacing much of it with entertainment technology such as via tablets.

In this cartoon, we see that the boy plays videogames on the couch, while eating junk food and drinking various sugary beverages. Though a boy, he is already more obese and bigger than his father. It’s interesting because he vicariously lives a healthy lifestyle through a video game in which he is a healthy boy. This brings to light the recent plague of obesity that has pervaded through society due to increased technology use and less physical activity such as exercise.

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